Good Vibes & Gear
Synthesize the Masses: Korg Volca
By Jeb Silburn, Twin Town Guitars Staff Writer
Empowering creatives who may be yet-unacquainted with the world of synths and drum programming, Korg’s Volca series offers a variety of intuitive platforms for first time users to begin their journey.
Simulated Sound
By Jeb Silburn, Twin Town Guitars Staff Writer
Few things feel as good as standing in front of a 100watt full stack, turned up to ten, with fuzz blasting out of it at full throttle. For the longest time, big and loud have been the go to solution for many performing artists.
A Harmonious Pair - A dynamic duo from the freshly revitalized Harmony Guitars
By Jeb Silburn, Twin Town Guitars Staff Writer
Once upon a time, Harmony stood as the largest producer of musical instruments in the United States. Crafting everything from banjos and ukuleles, to violins and- most notably, guitars.
Gretsch Falconry
By Jeb Silburn, Twin Town Guitars Staff Writer
A historical summary of one of the most iconic birds of prey in music history.